Ace the Certified Ophthalmic Assistant Exam 2024 – Eye-Opener Prep for Your Bright Future!

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Which test measures tear flow?


The Schirmer test is specifically designed to measure tear production and flow. It involves placing a small strip of filter paper inside the lower eyelid to determine how much moisture it absorbs over a set period of time. This test is essential for diagnosing conditions like dry eye syndrome, where inadequate tear production can lead to discomfort and potential damage to the ocular surface. Tonometry, on the other hand, measures intraocular pressure, which is important for evaluating glaucoma but does not assess tear flow. Visual acuity tests determine how well a person can see at various distances, focusing on the clarity of vision rather than tear production. Refraction tests are used to determine the prescription needed for corrective lenses and also do not provide information about tear flow or eye moisture. Thus, the Schirmer test stands out as the most appropriate choice for measuring tear flow.


Visual Acuity



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